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Food and Product Price Comparison in Belarus 🇧🇾 and in Poland 🇵🇱

The price difference can reach up to 82%

The price comparison is based on two cities — Minsk and Warsaw. Prices are up-to-date as of the article update date (when the "Current as of today" switch is enabled). The data is sourced from various supermarkets, grocery stores, and delivery services in both cities. No local product equivalents are included in the comparison — only identical products that you can find on the shelves in stores in both countries.

The table below presents a brief summary of statistics comparing product prices by category, showing in which country which category of products is cheaper. Only those categories with at least 10 products are displayed, and the best price is used for comparison. However, it is important not to focus too much on this table, as it is a calculation of average values that does not take into account many factors. Accurate data on the prices of specific products for comparison between countries and specific stores can be found in the list below the table.

Product categoryCheaper in countryAverage difference
Sweets🇵🇱 Poland15.6 %
Water, beverages🇧🇾 Belarus48.3 %
Oil, vinegar, sauces🇵🇱 Poland31.3 %
Grains, pasta, sugar🇵🇱 Poland20.4 %
Cosmetics and hygiene🇵🇱 Poland1 %
Canned goods and pickles🇵🇱 Poland10.3 %
Coffee, tea🇵🇱 Poland11.6 %
Household chemicals, home goods🇵🇱 Poland9 %
Pet supplies🇧🇾 Belarus16.5 %
For children🇵🇱 Poland6.9 %
Cottage, car, equipment🇵🇱 Poland0 %

Let's move on to the direct comparison of product prices in Belarus 🇧🇾 and in Poland 🇵🇱.

Green indicates the best price, red shows the percentage difference between prices. You can click on the product name and be redirected to the product page, where you can see the prices for this product in other countries. You can also check the price comparison with other countries on the country comparison page.

Minsk store
Best price
Warsaw store
Best price
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Current as of today
Found: 450